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Welcome Back

The following was written by a special lady known to the web-site world as
'Army Mom.' This is just one of her many writings about war and veterans.
Thank You

"Welcome Back"
Some 30 years later
They still say that
To each other.

Back then they came
Home one by one
On civilian planes
Unappreciated and
Unknown -

24 hours from
Hell to home.

(Whatever happened
to the Norman Rockwell scenes
The ones where all the soldiers
sailors and Marines

Got off a boat
or a train
And were met by bands and
loved ones
and started over again?)

With Vietnam it seemed
That if "he" wasn't there
(That someone really close to you)
You didn't have to care.

In my heart, I was there
At every plane
At every ship and train
I waved a flag
I cried and
Hugged them all -
And with a kiss, I whispered low

"It's all right now -
I know, I know."

I wished them hope
and peace
and the knowledge
that they weren't

Please accept my thanks
and this belated
"Welcome Home."

(c) CS Army Mom

The background music is entitled 'Still In Saigon' by Charlie Daniels