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Ode To A Toll Collector

Up before the light of day
They get ready to make their way

No matter what the weather, gloom or sunny
They do the job collecting 'toll' money

Day after day they stand or sit
In a 3x5 area to test their wit

No books to read, no music to hear
Patrons pass by, some smile, some swear

The loneliest of time is at night
They sit and wait to see a single headlight

To come through the lane just to say "Hi"
At times the night seems so long they just sigh

Staying awake is the hardest thing
Some just think while others sing

Polk Central has a real special crew
Wouldn't trade them for anyone new

I tip my hat and give a special 'thank you'
You all deserve more for what you do

(c) S Latt
February 17, 2008


The background is a 'Highway Traffic' sound effect.