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Stand Tall

The following was written for a special person and friend who
I worked with at a bus company in New Jersey. In the game of baseball, an
expression used is 'three strikes you're out'. Well in the game of life, this
does not always apply...At the time of this writing, she was fighting breast
cancer for the third time.

When things get rough
And they sometimes do
Use your inner strength
To pull you through

Take the problem at hand
Throw it back in there face
Say "I'm gonna beat ya"
Then take the first pace

Start each day, one at a time
If you feel down, it's no great sin
But always 'stand proud'
Especially when you can say 'I WIN'

To Debbie
(c) S Latt
November 1999

If you are interested in any information on breast cancer check out these links:

National Breast Cancer
Webmd Breast Cancer