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Shy One

Around his friends they know he's their
Around the girls he can only stare
He tries to speak but nothing comes out
And this really makes him want to pout

It's not that he has nothing to say
It just comes out in a different way
He tries so hard only in dispair
He has a life but with no one to share

Afraid to ask and being turned down
He keeps to himself and stays with a frown
He'd rather do this than try to be cool
Which might make him out a fool

He meets that one certain girl
That puts his mind in a whirl
No matter how much he can try
His mouth is always dry

Little does she know
That he cares for her so
With all his love and affection
But from her he gets only neglection

Words don't always have to be spoken
They can be shown in another token
If she looks at him she then will know
For his eyes will have told her so

He waits for that day to arrive
When he sees all his shyness die
For I realy know how it must be
Cause this shy one really is me

(c) S Latt
December 6, 1971
