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On June 20th I received your card
Shocked and suprised I looked again real hard
To 'Grandpop' on Fathers Day it had read
I can't believe that's what it really said

Waiting to meet you my sweet little girl
Keeps my mind in a great big whirl
You're all I think of until the time is here
To hold and kiss you my sweet little dear

Unseen as of yet, your beauty will be
Unmistakenly charming for all to see
With Mom, Dad and family too
All helping to give that beauty to you

When that day arrives and you finally come to be
My words will be their for all to see
"Hey world, my granddaughter is finally here"
And you will never have to feel any fear

(c) S Latt
To My Granddaughter
July 7, 1999


The background music is entitled 'Hot Hot Hot' from the Disney musical "Lil' Mermaid"