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Dear Friend

This writing is to pay 'homage' to a special friend. I knew him practically from
the first day I started at the bus company in 1998. We both knew that with all
the woman around, we men would have to stick together. After my second year,
he and I got the same type of school run. We would always have some time
in-between runs to stand around and chat. With sympathy and respect
to his family, the following is being presented with great pride.

We spoke of the earth
We spoke of the sky
We spoke of everything dear
Even of the 'most high'

We have no more time
To speak of what might be
For 'HE' took you back
To guide and oversee

Good-bye dear friend
You have passed your test
You will be sadly missed
Now you are with the 'Best'

"Rest In Peace"

To Walt Green
(c) S Latt
October 31, 2003

Just a remembrance..

The background music is entitled "Amazing Grace"