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I Was Crying


I was crying--couldn't you see
Why did you want to hurt me

Was I bad-- did that make you sad
When I died--then were you glad

I was so very tiny and small
And you were so strong and tall

God sent me to you to bring you joy
Not for you to bounce me around like a toy

I had so much trust in you
And I loved you too

Mommy, Daddy do you miss me
I had a pretty smile--didn't you see

I was a tiny angel--sent to you
And you had to destroy me too

Can you still hear me cry
As you watched me die

I needed you so much more
Than you will ever know

(c) Norma Davisson
December 22, 1998


If you are interested in any information about child abuse,
check out these links:

Child Abuse

Child Abuse Help Guide

When you get to the site, click on Abuse and Addiction topic.
Then go to child abuse and neglect.