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Tribute to 9-11

There are countless dedications on this subject. I am but one person who believes
that there can never be enough because we can "Never Forget" what happened that day.
This page is dedicated to all the families who lost 'loved ones' in that horrible tragedy.
Thank You for your visit...

The pictures shown as you can see depict the World Trade Center before (left) and after (right) the attack. The picture, lower left gives praise to all the Police, Firemen, Medical Personnel and everyone else who participated in the struggle to save the lives of people who were trapped in the aftermath of this tramatic attack, "God Bless You ALL" The lower right picture shows the three different areas effected at
approximately the same time.

'God calling his children home'
(pictured left, drawn by a grade school student on Sept. 12, 2001) as he 'wept' for them (pictured right)...

Picture below is the 'Eternal Guardian Angel' watching over 'Ground Zero'

'Lady Liberty'...Ready to 'Protect her children' (picture left) while
Uncle Sam rolls up his sleeves to 'Protect our Colors' (picture right)
and our troops fight for our 'Freedom against Terrorism' (picture below)
God Bless America and all our troops

The eternal burning candle for 'Peace on Earth'

The day this tragedy occurred was the day that my mind went blank.
I had a mental block about writing anything. I was so tramatized
that it took about a year before I wrote a word. Until recently, I was
still not able to write anything pertaining to this subject.
Since I started this tribute, I was able to write something about it.
The following is my contribution.


People woke up that September morn
Not knowing that their lives would be torn

They set out to do an everyday chore
God then said 'It will be no more'

It's time for some to come back home
Back with me under 'Heavens Dome'

Families will hurt and even cry
Asking why did mine have to die

We are all put on this earth to do Gods task
When our time is done He does not ask

But takes us home to his loving arms
To keep us from other harms

Remember the 'shadows' of the ones you miss
For they are now under heavens bliss

Keep in mind what they did while they were here
It may help you cover up the tear

(c) S Latt
November 25, 2008

"Rolling Memorial"

These are pictures of an independent trucker who has painted his cab and trailer with the
names of all those who lost their lives on 9/11. His name is John Holmgren from Shafer, Minn.
He has been "pulled over" numerous times just so the troopers can get their picture taken
with the truck.

"Floating Memorial"

These pictures are of the "USS New York." It was built with 24 tons of scrap metal from
the 'Twin Towers.' On Sept. 9,2003, the steel was melted down in Amite, La. to cast
the ships bow. The motto 'Never Forget' is painted on the bow.

This concludes my tribute to that awful morning. I hope it wasn't too long but
I felt I had to present everything I knew about this subject.
Thank You again for the visit and God Bless...

The background music is entitled "American Trilogy" (comprised of America the Beautiful,
Battle Hymm of the Republic and God Bless America)